In-game development the most fun part is the beginning. You hack something together and see it working. Game development progress moves so fast. You think that game can be finished in no time. And after some time you enter middle stage of development. Everything slows down significantly. Everything starts to fall apart. Some code needs to fixes, some refactored to implement new features. Some graphics don’t look good enough. And there is feature creep. It looks like you will never finish it.

I think I’m past all those struggles. The game is almost finished. Left only the least fun part. Atleast for me. Game analytics… It is interesting to know how are you playing my game. Where are you stuck, where is to easy. But adding analytics to the game is a lot of work. It can take some time. So I’m implementing it mindfully. I will not track everything. I just listed a few core places, that want to understand what is is going on.

I really hope that you will leave the app review and some feedback for me. I’m working on this game for two years. Thank you, guys!

Categories: Devlog

Arunas Pangonis

Solo game developer. Creating game for Apple platforms using C++ and OpenGL.


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